Futures would like to thank and acknowledge the following individuals & businesses for their generous support from the very beginning:
Joseph and Jean Sawtelle (founders)
Buron and Sawtelle Futures Scholarship Fund
Emma Pheasant Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Joseph and Jean Sawtelle Scholarship Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Mariner’s Village Futures Scholarship Fund
Joseph Sawtelle Estate
Recent Donors
Stephen Alie
Beach Plum Restaurant
Colleen Bean
Nancy Beck Revocable Trust
Peter Beck Revocable Trust
Alan and Kendall Brady
Amy Brnger Art and Paperworks, Amy Brnger
Maryellen Burke
Todd Cesca
Nancy Clayburgh, former Futures Advisory Board Member
Christiana Clews, Futures Advisory Board Member
Alice Combs
Luca Costea (Alumnus)
Duncan Craig, former Futures Advisory Board Member
Sarah Cullen
Tiana DiNola
Alison Dunn and family, Futures Advisory Board Member
Kathleen Dwyer, Futures Advisory Board Member
Hannah Eldridge
Phyllis Eldridge, Futures Advisory Board Member
Marilyn Farrar
Patrick Ganz
Sarah and Will Gatchell
Jody Hoffer Gittell
Rosalind Grant
Shanyn Grenier (Alumna)
Amelia Harvey
Erika Hume
John Hart
Kelsey Herrmann
Hannah Jean (Alumna)
Heather Jenkins
Laura Lavallee
Kathleen Le (Alumna)
Brittany Lind, Futures Advisory Board Member
Blair Linen
Kristina Logan
Brad Lown and Chrystine Sieve
Nanci Lovett
Mary Lyons, Futures Advisory Board Member
Elissa Margolin
Maureen McCarthy
William Mortimer Estate, Lifetime Member, Futures Advisory Board
Karen Mountjoy
Kris Mullen
Melinda Mulligan
Sarah Mundy
Brian and Liz Nickerson
Immaculee Niwemugeni
Leslie Nuchow
Daniel Pabian
Mike Pabian
Dan and Sue Parr
Tom Pfeiffer
Katherine Phelps
Portsmouth Rotary Club
Clare Rangnow Revocable Trust
Sam Reid
Martha Rahn
Christopher Rose
Caryl Sawtelle
Sarah Sawtelle
Susan Sawtelle
Christopher Schoff
George Shea, Futures Advisory Board Member
William Shefer
Senior Helpers, Stratham, NH
Service Credit Union
Joseph and Nicole Skees
Maria Sillari, Futures Advisory Board Member
Peter Sillari
Skip and Cathy Small
Diane Stillman
Rose Sulley
Lisa and David Sweet (former Futures Advisory Board Member)
Peter W. Torrey
Tracy Tucker
Trader Joe’s
Sandra Walent
David Walker
Brittany Wason
Margaret Witham
Lauren Wolf
Ethan Wool
Lauren Wool
Lena Wyand, Futures Advisory Board Member
Stephen Zadravec, Futures Advisory Board Member
Futures General Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, which includes the following generous donors:
Thomas Ahearn
Walter Allen
Stephen Alie
Nancy Beck Revocable Trust
Dr. Peter Beck Revocable Trust
Buron & Sawtelle Futures Scholarship Fund
Bank of New Hampshire Seacoast futures Fund
Edward Webster Brady Memorial Fund for the Futures Scholarship Program
In memory of Gerri Brigham (Hampton Academy; Geraldine Copeland; Patrick Ganz; Fay Montelione)
Gene and Bernard Doherty; Francis and Diana Fitzgerald; Richard Feldman; Luanna Ritter Seacoast Chapter of BNI
Cabral Family Fund for the Futures Scholarship Program
Alfonso J. and Mary Cabrera Futures Fund
Mary Cabrera
Captain Michael Chinburg memorial Futures Scholarship Endowment Fund
Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Clipper Affiliates Futures Scholarship Fund
Charles DeGrandpre
Disetronic Sterile Products, Inc.
Richard and Shirley Elder Lyons Futures Fund
Fleet Bank
Andrew & Greer Fleisher Futures Fund
Eileen D. Foley
Mayor Eileen Foley Futures Fund
Jameson French
Joseph and Doris Gionet
Hanscom’s Truck Stop Futures Fund
Jeanne Haskins
Henley Group Futures Scholarship Fund
Yuri Horwitz (alumnus)
James and Elizabeth Johnston (in memory of Gerri Brigham)
Kinderworks Futures Fund
Peter and Nancy Loughlin
MacLeod Family Fund
Macro Polo, LLC
Maher Family Fund
Dave Mahoney Fund
Margeson Family Fund
Mark and Diana McNabb
Masons of St. Andrew’s Lodge
Ann and Archie McEachern
Michael Modern (in memory of Gerri Brigham)
In memory of Timothy F. Monahan (Jean Sawtelle)
Timothy F. Monahan
William D. Mortimer
Natalie Meaney (in memory of Roy and Gerri Brigham)
New Hampshire Real Estate Futures Fund
Ocean National Bank Futures Fund
Donations made in honor of John O’Connor (Kelli Maynard; Sean O’Connor; Erin O’Connor; Erin O’Connor; Ellen Cherry)
Linda and Richard Pacquin (in memory of Roy Brigham)
Papoutsy Futures Fund
Penny Pitou & Milo Pike futures Fund
Piscataqua Savings Bank
Points East Real Estate Futures Fund
Portsmouth Ford Lincoln Mercury
Portsmouth Regional Hospital and Pavilion Futures Fund
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Caryl Sawtelle
Susan Sawtelle
Rachel Smith (In memory of Gerri Brigham)
Sons of American Legion Sqd. 6 in Memory of William West III
Stafford Consulting
Edward Stringham Fund
Kristin Thoresen Swartzendruber and Erik Thoresen Futures Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Mary Anne Stringham: Joan Allen; Milner Library Hospitality; Charles Tyrrell; Gertrude Dunbar
Mark and Allison Tanner
Tyco Futures Fund
Weeks, Whalen & Gamester
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign (John and Shirley O’Leary)
Sandra White (In memory of Gerri Brigham)
Harry Winebaum
Sally Vaughn Futures Fund
Rosemary York (in memory of Gerri Brigham)
Mrs. Tosca Zamarchi (in memory of Roy Brigham)